A형 백수
신암뉴타운 공동주택 계획 본문
대구 마지막 투자

작성자:k9범어동작성시간:2018.10.25 조회수:12,164
탕 값도싸고 뉴타운 지역이라서 6구역 8구역 기대 합니다.
5구역은 동서에서 일반분양12월

댓글알림 설정댓글
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@+::반짝반짝::+네 10/22날짜로 정비구역 해제 공고났네요
@프라하의여름민영으르 하나 봅니다.?
@k9범어동그것까진 모르겠네요 아마 해지됐으니 5구역처럼 민영추진할것같아요
@k9범어동민영은 뭔가요? 원래 10구역 재건축 동문건설 민영아니였나요? 제가 잘못알고있었던건지요.
@+::반짝반짝::+원래 동문이었는데 조합원 반대등으로 해지되고 나라에서 관리.주도하는 재개발이 아닌 사기업이 토지건물 매입해서 분양하는 형식으로 바뀐것같아요
@k9범어동동서는 5구역이네요 ~^^; 10구역은 아직 정해진것 없는것같습니다
@프라하의여름아, 그렇군요. 자세한 댓글 감사합니다^^
8구역 관리처분 언제될거 같은가요?
5년도 더된것같은데 너무조용해요...
신이라 불리우는 사나이2018.10.25메뉴
1구역 국방부소송중입니다 조금 시간이 걸릴것 같습니다
그리고 신암재개발촉진지구 좌초된곳이 있어서 지도처럼 저렇게 안들어옵니다
지금 6구역 8구역 관리처분 총회 했다고들었어요
5구역은 동서에서 12월 일반분양 합니다고
남어지는 그다음 화성 코오롱
가격은 괜춘
10구역은 아파트 입구에 플래카드 붙여 놓고 찬성 반대 싸우고 있던데요...
분담금이 ㅎㄷㄷ 하답니다
6 8 제외 관리처분 단게까지 간대가 어디 어딘가요?
없어요 6 8 최고 빠름 다른곳 투자 생각
6구역은 11월 말에 관리처분 인가 난다고 합니다 동구청 재건축 담당자
6구역이 제일 빨리 될것 같네요
댓글 새로고침
이전월배 삼정 홈피 추가정보(167)다음삼정 분양가(30)
......Apartment/New Regulation
Last investment in Daegu
Authors:k9 Bummer
Creation time:2018.10.25 hits:12,164
It's a cheap and Newtown district, so I'm looking forward to zone six eight.
Zone 5 in Eastseo, December
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reply letter
2018.10.25 Menu
Are you sure?
reply letter
Summer of Prague
2018.10.25 Menu
@+:Finish: + Yes, the maintenance area has been lifted with the date of October 22.
reply letter
K9 Bum Eoong
2018.10.25 Menu
I think there is a summer folklore in Prague.
reply letter
Summer of Prague
2018.10.25 Menu
I don't know about that. Maybe it's canceled, so we'll go ahead with it like district 5.
reply letter
2018.10.25 Menu
What is a nine criminal, Dong-young? Wasn't it originally Dongmun Construction in District 10? I was wrong.
reply letter
Summer of Prague
2018.10.25 Menu
@+:Friends:+ original but terminated with members' opposition and managed by the state.It seems like the private sector bought and sold land buildings instead of leading redevelopment.
reply letter
Summer of Prague
2018.10.25 Menu
@k9 Bum Dongseo has five zones. ~10 구역
reply letter
2018.10.25 Menu
Summer in Prague, I see. Thank you for your detailed comment.^^
2018.10.25 Menu
When do you think the 8th District will be taken care of?
Princess Sangdong
2018.10.25 Menu
I think it is more than 5 years ago, but it is too quiet.
a man called God
2018.10.25 Menu
Zone I'm in the middle of a defense lawsuit.
And there is a place on the left of the Sinam Redevelopment Promotion District, so it does not come like a map.
K9 Bum Eoong
2018.10.25 Menu
I heard you're holding a general meeting of district 8 administration.
Zone 5 will be general distribution in December from Dongseo,
The next remaining Mars Kolon
2018.10.25 Menu
Price is no good
into the sky
2018.10.25 Menu
Section 10 is fighting for a green card at the entrance to the apartment building.
reply letter
2018.10.25 Menu
I heard the share is ᄒ
Randy Cai
2018.10.25 Menu
6 Where is the liver to the exclusive disposal unit?
reply letter
K9 Bum Eoong
2018.10.25 Menu
K9 Bum Eoong
2018.10.25 Menu
District 6 will be approved for administrative disposal at the end of November. Donggu Office Reconstruction Manager
2018.10.25 Menu
Zone six will be the fastest.
Good for monthly sales.
2018.10.28 Menu
It's nice here.
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