A형 백수

[스크랩] 달서구는 이런 아파트를 만드네요... 본문

Real Estate

[스크랩] 달서구는 이런 아파트를 만드네요...

A형 백수 2018. 6. 28. 22:52


달서구는 이런 아파트 만드네요

작성자:시간점내줘작성시간:2018.06.19  조회수:47,463


수성구는 언제쯤 그냥 높은 평범한 아파트 탈피하고 디자인 멋진 커튼윌 주상복합 만들까요?
달서구 상인센트럴자이인데 커튼윌이라고 합니다 달서구방에서 봤는데 동영상도 있던데 멋지더군요
수성구는 그냥 너무 디지안 신경안쓰고 밋밋한 주복뿐인데 신경좀 쓰고 만들엇음 좋겟네요 


댓글알림 설정댓글

댓글 전체보기댓글 전체보기

동의합니다. 살기편하고 좋은 아파트인지가 우선이죠 ㅎㅎ 달서구에 저리 지어놔도 수성구 살다 굳이 저기 가는 사람 잘 없을듯 해요

@기분이좋아기분이좋아님. 말진짜 함부로 하시네. 범어동아파트2개소유중입니다만 대출물론없이 월세주고,현재달서구 거주중입니다만.제 차값도 안되는 아파트사시면서 타구 비하하지마세요.

@발랄토껭이네 글 읽어보니 월드마크 사시네요 ㅋ 페라리 얼마하는지 잘몰라서 5~6억? 
제 아파트 가격이랑 비슷하긴하겠네요 제가 어다사는지는 알수가 없으실텐데 ㅋ 
그렇게 있으신 분이 왜 그리 쫌스럽게 이런 없어뵈는 댓글을 다셨는지 ㅋ 
기분 많이 상하셨던가 봅니다. 사과드릴게요~~~^^

커튼윌에 대해 잘몰랐는데 그럼 장점보다 단점이 많은거군요

여름에 덥고 겨울이 추워 진짜 대형평수 아니면 살고싶지 않으실거에요...

정남향이고 동간거리 넓고(즉 햇빛 잘 들고 전망있고) 주차 편하고.
이것이 집이죠.
집은 편해야 합니다.
일에 시달리고 쉴려고 집에 갔는데 주차 어려고 앞뒤 콘크리트밖에 안보이고 햇빛도 잘 안들어오면 스트레스 UP,수명 단축.

앞뒤 콘크리트밖에 안보이고 : 이거 진짜 최악입니다.

저거 넘 더움. 넘 추움. 관리비..

사업승인도 아직인데 당장 공사하는 것처럼.

역시 대구는 보수적이네요
커튼월이 대세인데
아직도 갑론을박이~

커튼 월은 주민이 좋은게아니라 건설사가 시공하기편한 공법으로 알고있습니다. 커튼월아파트들 외관은보기 좋지만 정작 주민은 죽을맛이죠.

주복 커튼월과 일반아파트 커튼월룩 적용 차이가 있습니다.

주복 푸쉬형 시스템창호 아닌 PSS185 LS 이상의 개방형 슬라이딩 샤시(환기문제X)

주상복합 외부철골기둥간 통유리삽입 or 건물전체를 덮어씌우는 폐쇄형창호→열전도↑ 

커튼월룩 일반 콘크리트시공 동일 샤시주변 페인트대신 단열재+단열유리 마감 커튼월 느낌만 주는방식 
주복 냉난방효율과 별개이며 콘크리트 부식 방지하는 역할,되려 콘크리트 단열기능높인 커튼월의 대안시공.

주복 폐쇄형창호(송도더#퍼스트월드)→중앙냉난방+환기코어시스템 관리비 항목별도 
커튼월룩(반포아크로리버)환기,열전도문제 해당사항X 전열교환시스템 개별전기포함 일반적안 관리비산정방식.

건물을 단지 투자용, 실용적 , 으로만 보지 말고 이제는 예술적, 심미적 관점으로도 봐야 합니다.

경관 심의가 왜 있겠습니까.

꼭 커튼월이 아니라도 . 현재 올라가는 성냥갑은 전부 피하는 

추세인데. 도시미관 깔끔한 대구도 이젠 성냥갑 그만보연 좋겠네요

솔직ㅇ히 예쁘고 좋네요

다른 건물에나 인근 도로 차량 주행시 햇빛 반사로 인한 영향이 없다면 좋겠습니다.
퇴근시간에 범어동 신축 빌딩 앞을 지나다가 신호 대기라도 하고있으면 눈부셔서 힘들더라고요.

커튼월룩은 커튼월 대안으로 냉난방에 전혀 문제가 없으며 커튼월룩은 아파트외벽 콘크리트벽에 페이트칠 하는대신 유리 마감재 패널을 부착함으로써 오히려 콘크리트 부식을 막아줍니다



커튼월처럼보이는 룩이라은사실을 다들아셧으면함니다^^ 기존발코니형태와동일하게 샷시가들어갑니다 ㅎㅎ


댓글 새로고침


다음집값과 생활의 만족도(31)

‥‥‥ suseong gu moim
Dalseo-gu is an apartment.

By the time
Writing time : 2018.06.19 hits : 47,463
Comment 40

When will Suseong-gu just escape from a tall, ordinary apartment and make a nice design curtain, Will?

This is Central Ji, the merchant of Dalsu-gu. This is Curtain Will. I saw it in the old room in Dalseo, and the video was great.

I just don't care too much about the disinformation of Suseong-gu, but I want you to pay attention to it.

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I'm feeling cheerful.
2018.06.19 Menu
I agree.    It's a good apartment. I don't think anyone who lives in Suseong-gu will go there.

Answer Comments
04:44 New Menu
I feel good. You talk big. I own two apartments in Bum-re-dong, but I paid monthly rent without a loan, and I'm currently living in Dalseo District.Don't let my car ride down while buying a cheap apartment.

Answer Comments
I'm feeling cheerful.
19:12 New Menu
I read that you bought the world mark. Do you know how much Ferrari costs?
That sounds like the price of my apartment. You won't know what I'm talking about.
Why would anyone who has that kind of thing get such an empty comment?
You must be upset. I owe you an apology.~~~^^

Sloth and Sloth
2018.06.19 Menu
I didn't know much about Curtain Will, but it has more disadvantages than good.

My Lady Ulalamam
2018.06.19 Menu
It is hot and cold in summer, so you do not want to live in a big area.

2018.06.19 Menu
It's just south of the road, wide distance between the east and the west (i.e., it's sunny and sunny), and it's easy to park.
This is the house.
Home should be comfortable.
If you go home to relax after work, but you see nothing but the front and back concrete and no sunlight, you will feel stressed out.

Answer Comments
Hana Cafe
2018.06.19 Menu
All you see is the front and back concrete : this is the worst.

2018.06.19 Menu
That's too hot. It's so cold. Administrative expenses ...

2018.06.19 Menu
Like a construction project right now, even though the project is still approved.

The smell of Mercury
2018.06.19 Menu
Daegu is conservative as usual.
Curtain Wall is all the rage.
Still divided opinions.

2018.06.19 Menu
We understand that the curtain walls are not good for residents, but are easy for builders to construct. The exterior of the curtain wall apartments looks nice, but the residents are dying.

2018.06.19 Menu
There is a difference between the application of the main curtain wall and the general wall look of apartments.

Open sliding chassis (ventilation problem X) with PSS 185 LS or higher, not the main push type system window

Closed windows for insertion of an inter-sectional glass between composite steel columns or for covering the entire building → thermal conduction ↑

Curtain wall looking General concrete construction Instead of the same chassis insulation + insulated glass finish curtain wall
Alternative construction of curtain walls, separate from main air heating and cooling efficiency, to prevent corrosion of concrete, and increased insulation of concrete

Closed windows (Songdo The # First World) → Central Heating and Cooling + Ventilation Core System Management Fee by item
General inside management cost calculation method including individual electricity including the electric power transfer system.

A family millionaire
2018.06.20 Menu
We need to look not only at buildings for investment, but also for practical and aesthetic reasons.

Why is there a police review?

It doesn't have to be a curtain. Avoid all current matchboxes.

It's a trend. I wish I could see him in a matchbox.

2018.06.20 Menu
I like your honesty.

2018.06.20 Menu
It would be nice if there were no effects of sunlight reflecting on other buildings or nearby road vehicles.
When I was passing by the new building in Bumple-dong at the end of the day, it was difficult for me to see the light.

Junwoo Yeon-moo
2018.06.25 Menu
Curtain wall look is a curtain wall alternative, with no problems with heating and cooling, and curtain wall look prevents concrete corrosion by attaching glass finishing panels instead of painting on the exterior wall of the apartment building.

2018.06.26 Menu
That's cool.

Sh 1001
2018.06.27 New Menu

Sangin-dong Brown Bear
06:20 New Menu
It looks like a curtain wallIt has shotgun shaped just like a traditional balcony. Haha

Far 543
13:47 New Menu
That's cool.

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