A형 백수
[스크랩] 각산 새아파트는 왜 프리미엄이 없거나 마이너스인가요? 본문
각산 새아파트 왜 무피마피일까요??

작성자:대표미인작성시간:2018.06.21 조회수:9,970
너무 초보적인 질문일지모르지만
진짜 궁금하네요
요즘 새아팟은 다 피붙는줄알았는데 말이죠^^???
댓글알림 설정댓글
첫댓글개인적인 생각입니다..
일단 초등이 멀고, 먼 것보다 더 큰 이유는 선호하는 곳이 아니구요
인근 푸르지오, 화성등등 대비 고분양가이고
지하철 거리가 멀구요.. 좀 걸으면 버스 많이 다니는곳이지만 버스도 불편..
상권도 들어서고 있지만 아직은 많지 않고..^^;;
주위 사람들 의견을 적어봤습니다. 어른만 살기에는 편할거에요
서한에서 피를 3.4천 드신거 같아요. 그당시에.
서한이라서 그런거아닐까요
서한에서 피다먹고 분양했어요.시세보다높게 고분양
분양가가 터무니 없었죠
실거주 매력도가 떨어져요
살려는 사람은 적고 팔려는 사람은 많아서 마피
저도 이거 인거 같아요
현재 입주 중 인데 입주율은 어느정도 되는지 아세요?
브랜드 나쁨. 학군별로. 상권 최악
주변이 올라야 같이 오르는데 혼자 주변 집값 리드해야 하니 어렵죠
흡사 우리나라 축구 손흥민 혼자 끌고 가는 상황
그건 아니죠 ㅎ 서한이 혼자 잘났는데 주위때문에 안오른다는건 주변사는사람 아무도 인정안할걸요? 입지도 별로이지만 서한자체에 매력을 못느끼는사람이 많아서일듯요~
각산 서한은 대구아파트값 최고높을때 분양한걸로 알고 있구요. 구도로 쪽이라 상권이 약하고 반야월시장 인근(시장좋아하시는분상관없구요), 지하철 너무멀고 초등 중등 먼 편이에요.대로변이아니라 작은한블럭 뒹에 있으니 구석이나 별차이가 없어요.그래서 젊은사람들이 별로 안좋아해요.
솔직히 애들있으면 학교가 가까워야되고, 애들없으면 지하철, 마트등 교통,상권이라도 좋아야되는데 각산 서한은 이도저도 아닌 중급 브랜드 나홀로 아팟이라보시면 될거 같네요. 대구에 새아팟 무피마피는 다 이유가 있지요. 저의 갠적인 생각이니 비난하지마시고 참고만하세요.
답변 모두 감사드립니다^^
그냥 개념없는 분양가로 분양한것이 문제임
결국은 "입지가 안좋다" 입니다.
현재 입지도 별로. 미래 가치도 별로. 라는 판단들이 선 것 아닐까요
가보니 위치가 좀 그렇더라구요...
서한은 브랜드 파워도 떨어지고 하니
댓글 새로고침
이전에일린의 뜰 [14가지 타입별 경쟁률](38)다음대구 수성구 그리고 범3동 소식(71)
■ ‥ ‥ apartment / new sale
Why Mufimappi at Gaksan's New Apartment?
Author : Representative Beauty
Writing time : 2018.06.21 hits : 9,970
Comment 18
It may be too rudimentary a question.
I'm really curious.
I thought you were going to put all of your samppots on these days.^^???
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a piquant smile
2018.06.21 Menu
First comment is personal idea.
The reason why elementary school is far away and bigger than the distance is not the preferred place.
He is a very rich person compared to nearby Furgio, Mars, etc.
The subway is far away. If you walk a little, there are many buses, but the bus is also inconvenient.
The business district is opening, but not much yet.^^;;
I wrote down the opinions of people around me. It would be convenient for an adult.
A closed connection
2018.06.21 Menu
I think you took 3.4 thousand won of blood from the letter. at that time
The best location
2018.06.21 Menu
Maybe it's because it's a letter.
Your Majesty is naked
2018.06.22 Menu
I sold it after eating in the letter.Higher than the market price
Sinseo Winggiri
2018.06.22 Menu
The price of the sale was ridiculous.
2018.06.22 Menu
The attraction of real estate is poor.
Because there are few people who want to live and many people who want to sell, Mapi
Answer Comments
2018.06.22 Menu
I think this is it.
2018.06.22 Menu
I'm currently moving in. Do you know what the percentage is?
Randy Kay
2018.06.22 Menu
Brand vice. By school district The worst business district in the market
The Power of Time!
2018.06.22 Menu
It's hard because you have to lead the house price on your own.
○ Korea's soccer player Son Heung-min
Answer Comments
Dl wjdt nr
2018.06.22 Menu
That's not true. Oh, no one around you would admit that the letter is so good that it won't go up because of people around you? I don't have a lot of places, but I don't like the letter itself.~
Green Sol
2018.06.22 Menu
Gaksan letter is thought to have been sold at the highest price of Daegu apartment. Due to the structure, the business district is weak, and the area around Banyawol Market (no section of the market), the subway is too far and the middle and high school are far away.It's not a street, it's a small block, so it doesn't make any difference.That's why young people don't like it very much.
Actually, if there are children, school should be close, and if there are no children, transportation and business areas such as subways, marts should be good. There is a reason for Saapat Mufimapi in Daegu. Don't blame me for my Gandy ideas, just bear with me.
A representative beauty
2018.06.22 Menu
Thank you for all your answers.^^
* Smile Aah!
2018.06.22 Menu
The problem is that it is being sold at a price without concept.
2018.06.22 Menu
In the end, it's " out of place. "
Home Run Family
2018.06.22 Menu
Not even where he is now. Maybe there are some judgments about future values.
Hoho ~^^
2018.06.22 Menu
When I got there, the location was a little like that ......
Nanming Hao
2018.06.28 New Menu
The letter is not brand power
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Writing Comment Writing Comment
The former Ailin garden
News of the next three buildings in Sungsu-gu, Daegu
Why Mufimappi at Gaksan's New Apartment?
Author : Representative Beauty
Writing time : 2018.06.21 hits : 9,970
Comment 18
It may be too rudimentary a question.
I'm really curious.
I thought you were going to put all of your samppots on these days.^^???
Comment Notification Settings Comment
a piquant smile
2018.06.21 Menu
First comment is personal idea.
The reason why elementary school is far away and bigger than the distance is not the preferred place.
He is a very rich person compared to nearby Furgio, Mars, etc.
The subway is far away. If you walk a little, there are many buses, but the bus is also inconvenient.
The business district is opening, but not much yet.^^;;
I wrote down the opinions of people around me. It would be convenient for an adult.
A closed connection
2018.06.21 Menu
I think you took 3.4 thousand won of blood from the letter. at that time
The best location
2018.06.21 Menu
Maybe it's because it's a letter.
Your Majesty is naked
2018.06.22 Menu
I sold it after eating in the letter.Higher than the market price
Sinseo Winggiri
2018.06.22 Menu
The price of the sale was ridiculous.
2018.06.22 Menu
The attraction of real estate is poor.
Because there are few people who want to live and many people who want to sell, Mapi
Answer Comments
2018.06.22 Menu
I think this is it.
2018.06.22 Menu
I'm currently moving in. Do you know what the percentage is?
Randy Kay
2018.06.22 Menu
Brand vice. By school district The worst business district in the market
The Power of Time!
2018.06.22 Menu
It's hard because you have to lead the house price on your own.
○ Korea's soccer player Son Heung-min
Answer Comments
Dl wjdt nr
2018.06.22 Menu
That's not true. Oh, no one around you would admit that the letter is so good that it won't go up because of people around you? I don't have a lot of places, but I don't like the letter itself.~
Green Sol
2018.06.22 Menu
Gaksan letter is thought to have been sold at the highest price of Daegu apartment. Due to the structure, the business district is weak, and the area around Banyawol Market (no section of the market), the subway is too far and the middle and high school are far away.It's not a street, it's a small block, so it doesn't make any difference.That's why young people don't like it very much.
Actually, if there are children, school should be close, and if there are no children, transportation and business areas such as subways, marts should be good. There is a reason for Saapat Mufimapi in Daegu. Don't blame me for my Gandy ideas, just bear with me.
A representative beauty
2018.06.22 Menu
Thank you for all your answers.^^
* Smile Aah!
2018.06.22 Menu
The problem is that it is being sold at a price without concept.
2018.06.22 Menu
In the end, it's " out of place. "
Home Run Family
2018.06.22 Menu
Not even where he is now. Maybe there are some judgments about future values.
Hoho ~^^
2018.06.22 Menu
When I got there, the location was a little like that ......
Nanming Hao
2018.06.28 New Menu
The letter is not brand power
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Writing Comment Writing Comment
The former Ailin garden
News of the next three buildings in Sungsu-gu, Daegu
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