A형 백수
[스크랩] 24절기, 언제쯤이면 시원해질까? 본문

작성자:다양한페미는연대해야한다작성시간:13:41 조회수:2,503

출처 : 여성시대 잉 어쩔
여시들 안녕
지금 너무 덥지
주위어른들 보면 24절기로 날씨 대충 예상하시던데 흥미돋아서 글써볼려구ㅋㅋㅋ

24절기는 태양의 위치에 따라 15도씩 나눠 총 24개로 계절을 구분한것으로 각 계절마다 6개씩이라고 보면돼!
글고 음력ㄴㄴ 양력ㅇㅇ
24절기가 중국 주나라때 만들어진거라 황하강 근처 기준이라 우리나라 날짜랑 살짝 차이나긴한데 대충 저때쯤 이라고 보면 날씨 비슷함!


지금이 소서 대서 사이라서 덥나봐
근데 그럼 대서 이후로는 지금보다 더 더우려나 ㅅㅂ

8월 7일 지나면 진짜 더위가 사그라들지 궁금

그립다 겨울..
캡쳐는 전부 네이버 지식백과
그럼 👋
스크랩 원문 : *여성시대* 차분한 20대들의 알흠다운 공간신고
댓글 47
첫댓글지금은 대서와 입추 사이~
근데 진짜 저거 맞음ㅋㅋㅋ 갑자기 날 추워지다가 살짝 더워지다가 진짜 가을스쳐지나가고 겨울시작함
스쳐지나가고 ㅠㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ가을 왜케짧아졌대
갑자기 날 서늘해질때 여시들 자개에서 오 가을옷 사야되나.. 하고 복작복작 떠들고 장바구니 봐줘~! 이러는데 급 살짝 더워짐ㅋㅋ 그러면 아 가을 옷샀는데ㅠㅠㅠ하는 글들 보이다가 갑자기 추워지기 시작...(자개지박령)
@무장병수ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ엌ㅋㅋ여시최소분석가ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ분석가의 말을 믿어보겠읍니다,,
@다양한페미는연대해야한다앗 올해는 비켜나가면 어쩌지 ㅋㅋㅋ 급 살짝 더워짐은 생략되고 바로 추위로 갈 때도 있어ㅋㅋㅋ 그 때도 다들 아 가을옷 샀는데ㅠㅠ 존나 추워ㅠㅠ 이런 글 올라오기도ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 어쨌든..얼른..날씨 좀....
@무장병수ㅋㅋㅋ올해도 그럴거같애,,뭔가 가을아예없을예감
근데 작년에 입추 지나고 갑!!!!!!!!!!자기 시원해져서
트위터랑 sns에 난리났었는데 진짜 입추라서 그러냐고 ㅋㅋ
레알 딱 시원해지는건 처서야 ㅋㅋ 절기 존나 싸이언스임
입추만 기다린다 진심... 작년에도 입추되니 밤에 시원해졌음
말복지나야 시원해짐!!!
근데 저거 진짜 맞아ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 엄마가 이제 곧 입추네~ 했는데 그날뒤로더위가진짜줄어들어서개소름;;;;
근데 ㄹㅇ 맞더라 열대야 가셔서 달력보면 입추임 신기해
토토마토 토마토토13:49New메뉴
근데 진짜 맞는 게 작년때 입추 되고 나서 바로 선선해짐ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ조상님들 지혜 믿음
입추 어솨염~~~~!!!!
근대 작년에도.. =ㅅ=더웠던거같은대 ...입추때도 더웠던거같아 .... ㅠㅠ난 왜 계속 더웠던거같지
아마 낮엔 덥고 밤엔 버틸만 했을꺼야
입추 지나면 저녁에 ㄹㅇ 시원해짐!!! 매년..
조상님 지혜 짬빠 오진다니까 진자..작년에도 입추뒤로 바로 더위 수그라들더라
카페 방문 댓글 47
이 카페 흥미돋 관련글

국내도시 tmi : 울산 (고래에 미.쳐.벌.였.다!)(흥미돋 보장)2018.06.28 댓글 275

모르는 여시들에겐 신기할 넷플릭스 흥미돋..2018.07.21 댓글 170
한반도 통일에 대한 중국인들의 솔직한 반응 .txt (흥미돋)2018.04.30 댓글 95

나만 흥미돋을지 모르는 다음 카페 댓글 기능2018.07.01 댓글 50

마리텔보다가 흥미돋아서 쓰는 베다수학(이거 알면 11단부터 19단 안외워도 됨 개쉬움)2018.03.08 댓글 55
[Scrap] The 24 solar terms (will they cool down a bit after August 7?)
Author : The various pammies need to be united.
Write time : 13:41 hits : 2,503
Comment 47
Source : Women's Age
Hi, ladies.
It's too hot now.
If you see adults around you, you are expecting the weather for 24 solar terms.
The 24 solar terms are divided into 24 seasons by 15 degrees according to the position of the sun, and each season is divided into six!
And the lunar calendar
The 24 solar terms were made in China during the Chinese state of Zhou Dynasty, so it is slightly different from our country's date.
It's so hot between you and me.
But after writing, will it be hotter than now?
Wonder if the real heat will go away after August 7
Winter weather
I miss winter.
It's over.
The whole Naver Knowledge Encyclopedia
Scrap : * Women's Age * the inerrant space of calm 20s.
Comment 47
Different kinds of femmies need to be united.
13:43 New Menu
First comment now between Daeseo and Ipchu ~
Number of Uncontrolled Bottles
13:43 New Menu
But really that is right. Suddenly it gets cold and slightly hot, then it passes through the fall and starts winter.
Answer Comments
The various pemes should be united.
13:44 New Menu
It is shorter than usual.
Answer Comments
Uninterested number
13:46 New Menu
When I get cold suddenly, I should buy a dress from motherwork. Do it all up and look at the shopping basket! It is slightly hotter. Then, I bought autumn clothes, but then I read the whole text and suddenly it starts to get cold ...
Answer Comments
The various pemes should be united.
13:48 New Menu
I believe you.
Reply comment
Number of Uncontrolled Bottles
13:50 New Menu
A variety of pemi ...Come on. The weather.
Reply comment
Different kinds of femmies need to be united.
13:52 New Menu
No disease.
Play with your dad.
13:44 New Menu
But last year, go byOff one's own bat
Twitter and SNS were all over the place, but it was really packed.
13:44 New Menu
Real cool is Cheseo.
Huh? Huh?
13:45 New Menu
I am waiting for you with a long wait. Sincerely ... it was cool at night as it was packed last year.
Cho Yong Ho
13:46 New Menu
Cool after the horse clothes !!!
Fear, day by day
13:46 New Menu
But that is really right. Mom is closing soon but the heat has really decreased since that day.
Southern Rich
13:46 New Menu
But it's ready.
Tomato Tomato
13:49 New Menu
However, it gets cool after it was filled last year.
13:49 New Menu
I believe in magic
A billion fairy
13:51 New Menu
Be in the present condition
13:51 New Menu
Modern year ... I think it was hot.It seems like it was hot even in the middle of summer. Why did I keep hot?
Reply comment
Cheddar and the Fondue
13:53 New Menu
Maybe it was hot during the day and bearable at night.
Trolley miniburger
13:52 New Menu
Ready through and ready for dinner !!! Every year ...
Are you hungry again?
13:52 New Menu
I heard that your ancestors are in wisdom.Last year, I heard the heat wave coming right behind me.
This Cafe Henmistic article.
Domestic city of UlsanC!) (Ensure fun)
2018.06.28 Comment 275
This is a wonderful Netflix show.
2018.07.21 Comment 170
Chinese People's Honest Response to the Unification of the Korean Peninsula. txt
2018.04.30 Comment 95
Next cafe comment function that may interest me only
2018.07.01 Comment 50
Maritelbogda is an interesting piece of math (if you know this, you don't have to memorize anything from 11th to 19th grade).
2018.03.08 Comment 55
'Life' 카테고리의 다른 글
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