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[스크랩] 수성구에 대출 없이 아파트 소유한 구민이 몇이나 될까요? 본문
수성구 대출 없이 아파트 사는 구민

작성자:부자남작성시간:2018.08.06 조회수:7,090
전체 구매자 수에서 차지하는 비율은 어떻게나 될까요?
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@거피황금태왕아너스 완전 미분양 났습니다^^
수성구에도 동네에 따라 2~4억 하는 아파트 엄청 많죠. 30평대 7~8억하는 핵심 지역이 수성구에서도 그리 많지는 않아요.
굳이 깔고앉아있을필요 없으니 주변에보니 다들 대출내서 다른곳에 투자중이더라구요. 저역시 그렇구요. 집한채야 대출없이 살수 있는정도야 되겠지만(요즘시세에는 좀 힘들것 같기도해요ㅠㅠ) 집값 오르면서 추가 대출을 해서라도 재투자 하는게 남는장사인듯.
은행권 대출 전혀 없습니다.
집,차는 일시불로 다 주고 샀습니다.
남의돈 무서워서요.
대출없이 우에 현금을 모았습니까 대단하네요.
대단 하십니다 성격또한 깔끔 하실것 같습니다
수성구 두채 대출없습니다.둘다 월세 주고잇습니다. 월세보증금 2.5잇습니다.
집만 사는거라면 대출없이 사겠지만 비교적 저렴한 주택담보 대출을이용하여 다른 투자를 많이하겠지요.
범어4동 구축들 등기부 떼보면 을구 깨끗한 경우가 많습니다.
기존집 정리하고 갈아타면,,, 대출 크게않해도 가능하잖아요.
신혼부부가 첫집으로 10억이상짜리 구매하는경우가 있을까요?
3년전만해도 84제곱 3억대였으니 예전부터 가지고있던분들은 없는경우 많겠죠
없는사람 많습니다
나이에 따라 비율이 다름 30대~50대 이상 차이나죠
일전에 우리나라 아파트 등기부를 확인한 결과를 보도한 적이 있습니다.
약 50% 정도가 근저당권 등의 제한등기가 설정된 것으로 기억됩니다.
아파트에 들어간 대출은없어도 투자로 대출낸집이 많을겁니다
2016년도 기준으로 전국민 주택보유자 중 71프로가 담보대출 이용중이라는 통계가있어요. 2년사이에 더 늘었을테구요. 가격이 많이 오른 지역일수록 담보이용 비율은 더 높다고 봐야겠죠. 대구는 거의 빚으로 집샀다고 생각하시면 될것같아요. 범어4 구축은 오랜세월 사신분들이라 아무래도 담보 이용 비율이 적겠지만 수성구라도 신축일수록, 거래가 많은 이뤄진 아파트일수록 많다고 봐야하지 않을까요.
집을 여러채 투자하다보니
대출을 내는거라고 봅니다.
운좋게 서브프라임떄와13년 수성구 대분양할때 줍줍해서 돈은 크게 안들어서 대출없습니다
투자용도 대출은 없는데 전세만기되면 돈을 줘야합니다. 그돈이없네요 ㅎ
투자용이니까 또 전세내면 되지요 ㅎㅎ
작년3월 금융보고서에 대구부채의위험성에대해
자영업기반대구의 60대부채증가가특이했죠
댓글 새로고침
이전칠곡 전세대란!(25)다음이런 아팟 어때요?(39)
......Sumseong-gu meeting
the residents of Suseong-gu who buy an apartment without a loan
authors:rich man
Creation Time:2018.0.06 Number of Views:7,090
What percentage of the total number of buyers?
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reply letter
2018.08.06 Menu
The Geoffee Hwanggeum Tae-hwan is completely undecided.^^
become rich
2018.08.06 Menu
There are a lot of apartments in Suseong-gu that are 2 to 4 billion won depending on the neighborhood. Seven to eight billion square feet is not as many in the capital.
Take care of yourself.
2018.08.06 Menu
Since we don't have to sit on the floor, people around us are checking out and investing in other places. So do I. It would be enough to buy a house without a loan (it's going to be a little tough these days.It seems like investing again even with additional loans while house prices are rising.
physical training spring
2018.08.06 Menu
I don't have any banknotes.
I bought my house and car for a lump sum.
I'm afraid of other people's money.
reply letter
a horizontal experiment
2018.08.06 Menu
It's great to have cash in your rain without a loan.
reply letter
Oriental W
2018.08.06 Menu
You are great. Your personality will be neat as well.
2018.08.06 Menu
We don't have a loan with two Suseong-gu.Both pay monthly rents. The monthly rent deposit is 2.5.
Geumryun of Baekje
2018.08.06 Menu
If you were to buy a house, you would buy it without a loan, but you would make a lot of other investments using a relatively inexpensive mortgage.
2018.08.06 Menu
When you take off your register, you will often find it clean.
2018.08.06 Menu
If you clean up your old house and change it, you can do it without making a big loan.
Is there a case where newlyweds buy more than a billion won as their first home?
Good bye
2018.08.06 Menu
Three years ago, there were 84 square 300 million, so there are a lot of people who don't have them.
Don't you dare
2018.08.06 Menu
There are many who are absent.
2018.08.06 Menu
Different ages range from 30s to 50s.
2018.08.06 Menu
I have reported the result of checking the registration department of our apartment before.
It is remembered that about 50% of the time limit, such as near-debit, has been set.
after all
2018.08.06 Menu
I don't need a loan to get an apartment, but I'm sure there are plenty of houses with investments.
2018.08.06 Menu
As of 2016, 71 percent of the nationwide homeowners are using mortgages. It would have increased in two years. The higher the price, the higher the mortgage ratio. Think of Daegu as almost a debt. Although the construction of the Panjer 4 is a small percentage of people who have been using it for a long time, shouldn't we say that the more apartments in Suseong-gu are traded, the more the more they use it?
Mr. Yubi
2018.08.06 Menu
Investing in multiple homes,
I think it's a loan.
2018.08.06 Menu
I am lucky to collect money when subprime and hydroponics in 13 years.
We don't have an investment loan, but we have to pay for it when the lease expires. I don't have that money.
reply letter
2018.08.06 Menu
It's for investment. We can rent it again. Haha
2018.08.06 Menu
Because debt increase special city is big
On the Risk of Daegu Debt in Financial Report in March last year
Special analysis.
It was a 60th increase in the self-employed.
Refreshing comments
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The previous generation of Chilgok!
How about the next one?
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