A형 백수
[스크랩] 심인고 이전확정 되었네요~ 본문
(펌)심인고등 이전 확정되었네요^^

작성자:여행조아작성시간:2018.08.14 조회수:6,925
대구 남구 대명3동에 위치한 심인중ㆍ고등학교 이전이 진행되고 있음을 주민들에게 알려드립니다.
지난해 12월 학교법인 회당학원이 심인중ㆍ고등학교 학생 수 감소 등의 이유로 1957년 개교 이후 70여년만에 달성군으로 이전을 확정했습니다.
이후 대구시ㆍ대구도시공사ㆍ대구교육청ㆍ회당학원 등은 이전부지 공급협약을 맺었고, 후적지(토지, 건물) 매각 입찰을 거쳐 오늘 8.14일 낙찰결과를 아래와 같이 알렸습니다.(회당학원 홈페이지, http://hoedang.uu.ac.kr/)
심인중ㆍ고는 2020년까지 이전을 완료하고, 기존 부지는 낙찰업체에서 개발을 추진할 예정으로 주민여러분, 교육청 등과 남은 진행상황을 잘 챙기겠습니다.
앞으로도 지역내 중요 정보와 소식들을 여러분께 충실히 안내하겠습니다.
앞으로 죽곡 한단계 업그레이드 기대됩니다
댓글알림 설정댓글
댓글 전체보기댓글 전체보기
정확한것은 모르겠지만 카더라 방송에 의하면 중학교는 남여공학이고, 고등학교는 남고로 신청한것으로 알고 있습니다..
시내에서 유학을 많이 오겠군요
남고에 힘을 싣고싶네요
그게 더 이득일듯 합니다
다사죽곡지구의 가장약점이였는데!
이제야 눈을떠니 앞으로 기대됩니다.
죽곡쪽은 갖출거 다 갖췄네요
업그레이드 될일만 남았네요
객관적으로 남고가 왜 이득인가요?
본인들이 이득이니 그러는거지 ㅎㅎ
@동완맘참나 이기적이라고 생각안하세요?? 남학생들이 공학가기 싫으면 본인들이 책임을 져야하는거지 그럼 여학생들은 멀리가라 이말인가요? 이런말 편하게 하는분들 어이가없어오
@동완맘본인 이기적인거 알고있으니 다행이네요 적어도 여고로 바꾸자는 말은안하니 님보다는 나은것같네요 더불어 살아가기 힘든사람 참많습니다
보람된 인생2018.08.15메뉴
다사고를 일반고 여고로 바꾸던지.. 다사 여학생들도 농특혜택 같이 볼수 있어야 형평성에 맞을텐데요...
다사고는 지금도 일반고에요
답댓글보람된 인생2018.08.15메뉴
@콜드부르바닐라자율형공립고 라고 평범한 일반고가 아니라고 말씀드린거예요 ㅅㅅ
@보람된 인생근데 자공고는 아닙니다
답댓글보람된 인생2018.08.16메뉴
@콜드부르바닐라네...평범한 일반고 공학이 되든지 여고가 되면 좋겠다고 댓글단겁니다. 두루뭉실 이해해주세요. ㅅㅅ
덕원고가 남녀공학 되어서 망했죠
심인고 재단측에서 남녀공학 싫어한다고 들었어요
명문고 덕원이 몰락한계기죠 이전 및 공학
@이밤이좋은날엔명문고 덕원은 왜 이전을했나요?
@luvrain범어동 알짜 부지를 비싸게 팔았습니다. 태왕인가 거기 들어 왔었습니다. 그때 안팔고 지금까지 그냥 있었음 훨씬 더 올랏을텐데 말이죠
@이밤이좋은날엔그렇군요 감사합니다
진정한 승자는 학교 앞 상가 건물주
댓글 새로고침
이전부동산 여러 문제 골치아플때 ..(142)다음저는 청와대 홈페이지에 청원했습니다(69)
......Dalseong County Meeting
(Paul)We've confirmed the transfer of the serious injury.^^
Creation time:2018.08.14 hits:6,925
Residents are informed that the transfer of Shim In-jung and High School located in Daemyung 3-dong, Nam-gu, Daegu is underway.
In December last year, the Dongdang School, a school company, decided to relocate to the Dalseong County after 70 years since its opening in 1957 due to a decrease in the number of students in Shim In-jung and High School.
The Daegu Metropolitan Government, Daegu Metropolitan Corporation, Daegu Metropolitan Office of Education, and the Community School agreed on the supply agreement, and after bidding for the site sale, the result of the winning of the contract was announced on August 8.14 as below.
Shim In-jung and Goh will complete the relocation by 2020 and the existing site will be developed by the winning bidder, and will take good care of the remaining progress with residents, education offices and others.
I'll keep you posted on important local information and news.
Thank you.
Looking forward to a step upgrade
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reply letter
Jukgok Daasazoo
2018.08.15 Menu
I don't know exactly, but according to Cage Broadcasting, I heard that middle school is coeducational and high school is applying to Namgo.
Kang San
2018.08.15 Menu
I'm sure you'll come to study in the city.
2018.08.15 Menu
I'd like to put some energy into the South High School.
I think that's more of a benefit.
Samsan Rosa
2018.08.15 Menu
a happy-go-lucky dream
It was the weakest point in the da-juk area!
Now that I've opened my eyes, I'm looking forward to it.
2018.08.15 Menu
You got everything on the bamboo side.
There's only an upgrade left.
2018.08.15 Menu
Why is the objective of staying away?
It's because they're good for you.
reply letter
2018.08.15 Menu
Don't you think Dongwan Mama is selfish? If boys don't want to go to engineering, then they have to take responsibility. I can't believe anyone who makes this easier.
reply letter
2018.08.15 Menu
Thank god you are selfish At least not telling me to change to a female high school, so I think it's better than you. There are many people who are hard to live with.
★Nagoyahua Shanghai*
2018.08.15 Menu
a fruitful life
2018.08.15 Menu
I mean, I'm going to change it into a regular high school. Even women in Dasa should see Nonghyup as well.
reply letter
2018.08.15 Menu
It's a general high school.
reply letter
a fruitful life
2018.08.15 Menu
@Coldburg-Banilla Self-Sufficiency Public High School, I told you it wasn't a normal high school.
reply letter
2018.08.16 Menu
It's a life that's been watched, but not published.
reply letter
a fruitful life
2018.08.16 Menu
@Coldburg-Vanilla...I want to be an ordinary high school engineer or a female high school student." Please understand me. ᄉᄉ
2018.08.15 Menu
He went bankrupt because he was coeducational.
Simingo. I heard the foundation doesn't like coeducational education.
reply letter
on a good night's day
2018.08.15 Menu
It's the end of the decline of prestigious schools. Previous and engineering.
reply letter
2018.08.15 Menu
Why did you move to Myongmun High School on this evening?
reply letter
on a good night's day
2018.08.15 Menu
@Lubrain Bummer's Aljaji was sold at a high price. Taewang or Taewang came in there. If I hadn't sold it, I'd have been a lot more than that.
reply letter
2018.08.15 Menu
This is a good night. Thank you.
on a good night's day
2018.08.15 Menu
The real winner is the owner of the mall in front of the school.
Refreshing comments
Write a commentWrite an answer
○ Problems of previous real estate
Next, I petitioned the Cheong Wa Dae homepage.
(펌)심인고등 이전 확정되었네요^^

작성자:여행조아작성시간:2018.08.14 조회수:6,925
대구 남구 대명3동에 위치한 심인중ㆍ고등학교 이전이 진행되고 있음을 주민들에게 알려드립니다.
지난해 12월 학교법인 회당학원이 심인중ㆍ고등학교 학생 수 감소 등의 이유로 1957년 개교 이후 70여년만에 달성군으로 이전을 확정했습니다.
이후 대구시ㆍ대구도시공사ㆍ대구교육청ㆍ회당학원 등은 이전부지 공급협약을 맺었고, 후적지(토지, 건물) 매각 입찰을 거쳐 오늘 8.14일 낙찰결과를 아래와 같이 알렸습니다.(회당학원 홈페이지, http://hoedang.uu.ac.kr/)
심인중ㆍ고는 2020년까지 이전을 완료하고, 기존 부지는 낙찰업체에서 개발을 추진할 예정으로 주민여러분, 교육청 등과 남은 진행상황을 잘 챙기겠습니다.
앞으로도 지역내 중요 정보와 소식들을 여러분께 충실히 안내하겠습니다.
앞으로 죽곡 한단계 업그레이드 기대됩니다
댓글알림 설정댓글
댓글 전체보기댓글 전체보기
정확한것은 모르겠지만 카더라 방송에 의하면 중학교는 남여공학이고, 고등학교는 남고로 신청한것으로 알고 있습니다..
시내에서 유학을 많이 오겠군요
남고에 힘을 싣고싶네요
그게 더 이득일듯 합니다
다사죽곡지구의 가장약점이였는데!
이제야 눈을떠니 앞으로 기대됩니다.
죽곡쪽은 갖출거 다 갖췄네요
업그레이드 될일만 남았네요
객관적으로 남고가 왜 이득인가요?
본인들이 이득이니 그러는거지 ㅎㅎ
@동완맘참나 이기적이라고 생각안하세요?? 남학생들이 공학가기 싫으면 본인들이 책임을 져야하는거지 그럼 여학생들은 멀리가라 이말인가요? 이런말 편하게 하는분들 어이가없어오
@동완맘본인 이기적인거 알고있으니 다행이네요 적어도 여고로 바꾸자는 말은안하니 님보다는 나은것같네요 더불어 살아가기 힘든사람 참많습니다
보람된 인생2018.08.15메뉴
다사고를 일반고 여고로 바꾸던지.. 다사 여학생들도 농특혜택 같이 볼수 있어야 형평성에 맞을텐데요...
다사고는 지금도 일반고에요
답댓글보람된 인생2018.08.15메뉴
@콜드부르바닐라자율형공립고 라고 평범한 일반고가 아니라고 말씀드린거예요 ㅅㅅ
@보람된 인생근데 자공고는 아닙니다
답댓글보람된 인생2018.08.16메뉴
@콜드부르바닐라네...평범한 일반고 공학이 되든지 여고가 되면 좋겠다고 댓글단겁니다. 두루뭉실 이해해주세요. ㅅㅅ
덕원고가 남녀공학 되어서 망했죠
심인고 재단측에서 남녀공학 싫어한다고 들었어요
명문고 덕원이 몰락한계기죠 이전 및 공학
@이밤이좋은날엔명문고 덕원은 왜 이전을했나요?
@luvrain범어동 알짜 부지를 비싸게 팔았습니다. 태왕인가 거기 들어 왔었습니다. 그때 안팔고 지금까지 그냥 있었음 훨씬 더 올랏을텐데 말이죠
@이밤이좋은날엔그렇군요 감사합니다
진정한 승자는 학교 앞 상가 건물주
댓글 새로고침
이전부동산 여러 문제 골치아플때 ..(142)다음저는 청와대 홈페이지에 청원했습니다(69)
......Dalseong County Meeting
(Paul)We've confirmed the transfer of the serious injury.^^
Creation time:2018.08.14 hits:6,925
Residents are informed that the transfer of Shim In-jung and High School located in Daemyung 3-dong, Nam-gu, Daegu is underway.
In December last year, the Dongdang School, a school company, decided to relocate to the Dalseong County after 70 years since its opening in 1957 due to a decrease in the number of students in Shim In-jung and High School.
The Daegu Metropolitan Government, Daegu Metropolitan Corporation, Daegu Metropolitan Office of Education, and the Community School agreed on the supply agreement, and after bidding for the site sale, the result of the winning of the contract was announced on August 8.14 as below.
Shim In-jung and Goh will complete the relocation by 2020 and the existing site will be developed by the winning bidder, and will take good care of the remaining progress with residents, education offices and others.
I'll keep you posted on important local information and news.
Thank you.
Looking forward to a step upgrade
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reply letter
Jukgok Daasazoo
2018.08.15 Menu
I don't know exactly, but according to Cage Broadcasting, I heard that middle school is coeducational and high school is applying to Namgo.
Kang San
2018.08.15 Menu
I'm sure you'll come to study in the city.
2018.08.15 Menu
I'd like to put some energy into the South High School.
I think that's more of a benefit.
Samsan Rosa
2018.08.15 Menu
a happy-go-lucky dream
It was the weakest point in the da-juk area!
Now that I've opened my eyes, I'm looking forward to it.
2018.08.15 Menu
You got everything on the bamboo side.
There's only an upgrade left.
2018.08.15 Menu
Why is the objective of staying away?
It's because they're good for you.
reply letter
2018.08.15 Menu
Don't you think Dongwan Mama is selfish? If boys don't want to go to engineering, then they have to take responsibility. I can't believe anyone who makes this easier.
reply letter
2018.08.15 Menu
Thank god you are selfish At least not telling me to change to a female high school, so I think it's better than you. There are many people who are hard to live with.
★Nagoyahua Shanghai*
2018.08.15 Menu
a fruitful life
2018.08.15 Menu
I mean, I'm going to change it into a regular high school. Even women in Dasa should see Nonghyup as well.
reply letter
2018.08.15 Menu
It's a general high school.
reply letter
a fruitful life
2018.08.15 Menu
@Coldburg-Banilla Self-Sufficiency Public High School, I told you it wasn't a normal high school.
reply letter
2018.08.16 Menu
It's a life that's been watched, but not published.
reply letter
a fruitful life
2018.08.16 Menu
@Coldburg-Vanilla...I want to be an ordinary high school engineer or a female high school student." Please understand me. ᄉᄉ
2018.08.15 Menu
He went bankrupt because he was coeducational.
Simingo. I heard the foundation doesn't like coeducational education.
reply letter
on a good night's day
2018.08.15 Menu
It's the end of the decline of prestigious schools. Previous and engineering.
reply letter
2018.08.15 Menu
Why did you move to Myongmun High School on this evening?
reply letter
on a good night's day
2018.08.15 Menu
@Lubrain Bummer's Aljaji was sold at a high price. Taewang or Taewang came in there. If I hadn't sold it, I'd have been a lot more than that.
reply letter
2018.08.15 Menu
This is a good night. Thank you.
on a good night's day
2018.08.15 Menu
The real winner is the owner of the mall in front of the school.
Refreshing comments
Write a commentWrite an answer
○ Problems of previous real estate
Next, I petitioned the Cheong Wa Dae homepage.
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